The Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference is the largest annual gathering of occupational psychologists in the UK and provides a major showcase for practitioners and academics to present their latest ideas.
The theme for this year's conference is: 'The Practice of Science: Occupational Psychologists at Work'
The conference will showcase new research, thought leadership and an exciting array of Keynote speakers along with Dr David Biggs, a senior consultant at Advanced People Strategies (APS).
Advanced People Strategies are talent management consultants and Authorised Hogan Assessment Distributors UK. David’s session: ‘Using Hogan Assessments to explore team culture and unconscious bias’ will aim to demonstrate how the HPI, HDS and MVPI can be integrated to form evidence on what a team values, performs like and how that team are likely to perform under stress.
The Hogan Assessments are 3 validated personality measures used to predict workplace performance. APS are authorised to distribute and license others to use the Hogan psychometric assessment tools in the UK. APS provides Hogan Certification Training, a full range of Hogan Assessment Reports, as well as supporting organisational implementation and talent analysis.
Current members of The British Psychological Society can benefit from a 15% discount on the 2-day Hogan Certification Workshop, contact us for more details, visit us on our stand at the Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference 2020 or book online.