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Mike is a Manager - L&D Consulting at Advanced People Strategies. He has 15 years of people development experience in various sectors and has worked with high-profile organisations that include RBS plc, Deutsche Bank, Nationwide Building Society, Tesco Finance, and the Saga Group. This provides rich contextual understanding and awareness of the challenges that leaders are faced with on a day-to-day basis, which is critical when creating development interventions that make a genuine difference to participants. Prior to joining APS, Mike headed up a team of professional people developers who embedded key leadership and feedback skills within the business culture. As a qualified Coach, Facilitator, and Consultant, Mike delivers the APS Masterclass programmes and works with our client's Senior Leaders globally. He facilitates the Hogan Certification programmes for HR, Business Psychologists, and professional coaches that qualifies them in the use of these world-class assessment tools. Mike also develops content and facilitates SkillsPilot modules – our online global development system for Leaders. Client feedback typically refers to Mike’s warm, inclusive, approachable style that creates insights and an authentic desire to help build their skills.
